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Frontline Northern Hip Hop act, Zaaki Azzay
Frontline Northern Hip Hop act, Zaaki Azzay, has finally taken off the lid on all his fans may want to know about himself and his music over the Years. This, he gladly did for old time sake when our Contributing Editor, IFECHI OKOH engaged him recently. Enjoy the indepth interview!
What informed your decision to popularize the Hausa hip-hop brand of music?
Originally! That was all I actually needed to announce myself and something refreshingly different in every sense on the beats scene. Aside from that, I also wanted to stamp my uniqueness as a Nigerian and true African act in a class of his own. Honestly!
Did your calculation work out as envisaged and how?
Oh yes! I believe strongly that it has really worked out. Check it out in the uniqueness of my brand of music in its entirety. My stage and showbiz identity well reflected in the torch I have been clutching since then till date. All these, many showbiz followers see as synonymous with my image, cap and trademark. Interestingly, all have combined effectively to achieve my level in music to the glory of God.
How did you come about your torch light trademark identify?
How I got it you mean? It is simply a divine covenant between me and Almighty God. It solely rests on the admonition that no matter how Celebrated you might be on the Nigerian beats scene, I will never, ever go against the will of God in any dealing with fellow brings for whatever reason or reasons. This covenant I have been very faithful to till date. Honestly, it has not been easy, but I thank God for his assistance.
What have been the challenges of being an Hausa hip-hop Celebrity and how have you been able to tackle them effectively?
Well, there were in the past. But not anymore now as I have faced them squarely and conquered them with God's assistance. I am happy to announce that all these have changed my completely because of my resolve to ensure that I came out with something obviously different from others and also acceptable.
What is your take on yester years music standard and today’s?
My take on the Nigerian beats scene of today and the past was that the past was not embraced like the present. If the past was ever accepted, it was partially. Oh yes! But happily, it's no longer so today. Times have changed greatly. As a result, there have been lots of rooms for improvements in the area of lyrics, arrangements, instrumentals, rendition, capped by fine standard productions. From that moment, our music started to magnet attention and so began to be accepted. I can say categorically, that the Nigerian music and musicians have gone international. Honestly!
Do you think that the Nigerian acts would have made it earlier on if they had borrowed a leaf much earlier on from their Western counterparts?
I strongly believe that they would have made it much earlier, had it been because of the high standard of the western world would affected theirs from the onset. This is even expedient in the highly commendable lyrics, arrangements and productions of today's acts who smartly borrowed most of the things you find in Western music of the old.
What do you see as serious implications of the computocrazy inspired music which today’s music rests upon?
I strongly believe that the computer age music of today has come to stay simply because it's the youths of today's affair. They invented it, loved it and as a result can't just drop the craze for the fun of it. I hope this youths craze won't continue for such very long time because it will put a lot of professionals out of job as a result of the computer which has already taken over the jobs they have put their money, energy and time to learn for years. The very disturbing and saddening thing is that the computerised music can never be clean as the ones professionals churned out. You understand? Good!
Are you financially okay as a celebrated act?
Well, all I can say is that I am comfortable and I thank God who made it so. I really thank him for ensuring that I am doing what can put food on my table, which I am also enjoying too.
Can we say that from your celebrity status Zaaki Azzay has arrived?
Well, for all those outside there, who may think so, I have just started working for my survival and expected sustenance. That’s all I am doing for now with the ultimate goal of winning national attention and international one through awards in Jesus name. Amen!
In your true estimation have the northern youths you are supposed to make proud with your music encouraging you in any way?
Oh yes! Please be informed that as a result of my success, I have inspired other Northern Hip Hop stars who are making Impact in their own ways.
May we know the price you have been paying for being a celebrity?
Pitiable absence of privacy. It’s quite disturbing, but I am helpless because it’s a prize I am paying as a celebrity. I have since noticed that anything I am doing attracts attention, as if I am no longer a human being. It’s quite funny!