THE REAL STORY OF IGBOS AND YORUBAS •A challenge to Femi Fani-Kayode, Dr. Samuel Okafor and ALL Igbos and Yorubas worldwide

Apham Nnaji |2nd Sep 2013 | 23,794
THE REAL STORY OF IGBOS AND YORUBAS •A challenge to Femi Fani-Kayode, Dr. Samuel Okafor and ALL Igbos and Yorubas worldwide

The uproar over the comments emanating from the pseudo feud between Dr. Samuel Okafor and some infuriated Igbos towards Femi Fani-Kayode seems very unfortunate. It is quite unfortunate because both sides (brothers I might add) are fighting the wrong battle or at best arguing over irrelevancies. This is analogous to our saying in the village; “Okuku rapuru nma gburuya welu tugobalu iteofe onu” which means “The chicken absolved the knife that killed it and went and got mad at the pot that cooked it by turning its neck.”

Anyone who thinks and believes that the history of the Igbos and Yorubas started here in Nigeria and will end here has absolutely no clue of world history and in particular the history of the “Negroes”.

Most of our people don’t even know that there’s a great difference between Africans who are black and Negroes who are different shades of black. Here’s the Zondervan’s Bible Dictionary definition of Ham, the youngest son of Noah: “Ham – The youngest son of Noah, born probably about 96 years before the Flood; and one of the eight persons to live through the Flood. He became the progenitor of the dark races; NOT THE NEGROES, BUT THE EGYPTIANS, ETHIOPIANS, LIBYANS, AND CANAANITES”. Zondervan forgot to mention other Africans like all the North African nations, including Somaila, Kenya, etc. I will come back to this later.

Without an understanding of how the Roman Empire divided the world and gave permissions for explorations that led to conquests around the world, our people continue to focus on “Countries” (which is the aftermath of them changing old names and giving new names) to our own detriment and downfall. I heard that the greatest weapon an oppressor has over the oppressed is their lack of knowledge and mindlessness. God did not create countries. He created Nations of people, hence the “Table of Nations” in the so called Old Testament. It is from there, lining it up with known history, that one can trace the migration paths of ALL THE NATIONS OF THE EARTH; where they were and how they ended up where they are today. Unfortunately, this type of true history is not taught in our schools today and our children grow up without understanding their true identity.

We have been erroneously called Negroes, Blacks, Jamaicans, Nigerians, Haitians, Latinos, Puerto Ricans, Mexican, and Native Americans, etc., while serving a worldwide bondage under the merciless hands of Gentile governments and the global elite. We have discontinued from our heritage (Israel) as the chosen people according to the “flesh” as prophet Jeremiah stated.  This happened through slavery, colonization, economic marginalization, oppression, socio-cultural, politico and religious reprograming mechanisms of the imperialistic globalists; starting with the Assyro-Babylonians, Meads-Persians, Grecians, Romans, Arabs, European Union and United States. Hence, we became the Lost Sheep of the House of Israel. The Igbos are from the tribe of Yehudah or Judah (which means in Hebrew or Igbo “give praise” “Ye udah”). The Yorubas are from the tribe of Benjamin, the smallest tribe in the Nation of Israel where King Saul came from. There’s also the tribe of Levi, mostly midwesterners  in Nigeria. These three tribes made up the Southern Kingdom of Solomon that was known as Judah until the Romans renamed it JUDEA, a Province of Roman. You remember that The Most High divided Solomon’s Kingdom into two for his sins against God – the Northern Kingdom with capital in Jerusalem and the Southern Kingdom in Judah and or Judea. The Northern Kingdom went into slavery in the hands of Asyro-Babylonians and subsequently left there in 725 B.C. for the new world which is now called “The Americas”. Those lost ten tribes are still there in the Americas; the world calls them Native Americans, South Americans. Queen Isabella of Spain/the Roman Catholic Church gave Christopher Columbus permission and funds from the Khazars for his exploration into the so called new world.

The Bible says that the Children of Israel will be scattered in the four corners of the world when our Saviour Christ comes back to establish his Everlasting Kingdom here on earth. So what happened to the Southern Kingdom of Solomon, you might ask? Before I answer that, it is important to establish the fact the Children of Israel had always sought refuge in Africa, which is actually known in the Bible as “Mizraim”, whenever they were attacked by their enemies. Even our Saviour was taken into Africa to hide from Herod the EDOMITE (Person from the bloodline of Esau, brother of Jacob). Read Jeremiah 42 and 43; in fact, verse 10-13 shows you how God used King Nebuchadrezzar to push our people further into the sub-Saharan Africa, where we are today.

One more HISTORY that our people are probably not aware of: 80% of the Negroes that came into the “Americas” during the Trans-Atlantic Salve Trade were from the tribes of Yehudah, Benjamin and Levi. In fact, of the 37,000 salves that were brought to Virginia, USA, in the 1600s from Calabar, 30,000 were Igbos. Igbos and Yorubas make up Jamaica, Trinidad and Tobago, Belize and ALL THE ISLANDS. The Tribe of Levi predominates Haiti today. The Levis were the priests of the Most High; that’s why Haiti and midwesterners in Nigeria today are steeped in voodoo and other evils.


I dare anyone to show me any other Nation in the world that fits the curse in the Bible. When you line it up with the History of the Igbos and Yorubas during the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade; things now become more compelling. History shows that Igbos were very rebellious during the slave trade, which accounts for a high rate of suicide in defiance to their captivity.  According to Douglas B. Chambers, the Frontier Culture Museum of Virginia also estimates around 38% of captives taken to Virginia were from the Bight of Biafra. In fact, some historians have called Virginia “Igbo land”. Igbo peoples also constituted the majority of enslaved Africans in Maryland and all of Southern United States. Mr. Chambers has been quoted saying that he believes that 60% of Negroes in America have at least one Igbo ancestor.

Even our enemies know who we are; in a White House memo during the civil war in Nigeria, Henry Kissinger, the Sectary of State, describes the Igbos as the “the wandering Jews of West Africa – gifted, aggressive, westernized, at best envied and resented, but mostly despised by their neighbors in the federation” (Foreign Relations Document, Volume E-5, documents on Africa 1969-1972). The full document can still be found in the State Department’s website if you care to read the full memo.

What about the guys in Jerusalem today that the world falsely calls JEWS? Even though we know according to History and Biblical facts; to be a Jew, you MUST come from the tribe of Yehudah or Judah. Those guys are impostors; they are Khazars from Eastern Europe. History books are replete with who they are. Even the Bible tells us when they changed our faith and called it Talmudic Judaism, which is pagan worship that Prophet Ezekiel warned us about.

Let me briefly touch on the history of the ancient Khazar Empire, a major but almost forgotten power in Eastern Europe, which in A.D. 740 converted to Judaism. Khazaria, a conglomerate of Aryan Turkic tribes, was finally wiped out by the forces of Genghis Khan, but evidence indicates that the Khazars themselves migrated to Poland and formed the cradle of Western (Ashkenazim) Jewry.

The Khazars’ sway extended from the Black Sea to the Caspian, from the Caucasus to the Volga, and they were instrumental in stopping the Muslim onslaught against Byzantium, the eastern jaw of the gigantic pincer movement that in the West swept across northern Africa and into Spain.

As Arthur Koestler points out in his book The Thirteenth Tribe, the Khazars were the Third World of their day, and they chose a surprising method of resisting both the Western pressure to become Christian and the Eastern to adopt Islam. Rejecting both, they converted to Judaism.

The Edomites were a mixed people, descended from Esau (the son of Isaac, and brother of Jacob). Esau had married several women of different ethnicities that existed in the land of Canaan at that time, including Hittites, Hivites, Horites, Canaanites, and Ishmaelites (Arabs). A bitter rivalry between the descendants of Esau and Jacob continued throughout history, and as they lived in close proximity for hundreds of years, their hatred worsened. The Romans later divided Palestine into districts, with Idumea (land of Edomites) being one of the districts. Some Edomites converted to the religion of the Israelites although in doing so, they, over time, bastardized it, creating the books known as the Babylonian Talmud. At the fall of the Roman Empire, the Edomite Jews became scattered over all of Europe, with the majority settling down in the Turko-Mongolian (Khazars) area of Russia, where they intermarried with the heathen Khazars who had converted en masse to Judaism. They are called Ashkenazi, and make up at least 90% of modern Jewry. Every Israeli Prime Minister has come from this heathen background, which means their ancestors never walked the hills of Palestine. They used heavy propaganda to whip up sentiments regarding the killing of so called 6 million Khazars during the Second World War. This also helped to create the State of Israel in 1948. (Read the Balfour declaration document at

However, a high school kid in California did a bit of research for his school work and found out that it was impossible for that to have happened. Here’s a part of her argument: “Another thing that contradicts the lies of faulty ‘survivors’ is that the number of Jews said to be killed in the camps was inaccurately stated. Six million Jews were supposedly killed in the Holocaust, when not even such an amount existed in Europe entirely, let alone Germany.

“In 1939, there were nearly 15,700,000 Jews in the world. After the Second World War that number had risen to over 18,000,000 Jews. What this means is that of the 15,000,000 original Jews on the planet, 6,000,000 were gassed, leaving only some 9,000,000-plus. Then, the world Jewish population rebounded and doubled to over 18,000,000 in less than nine years – an astronomical feat, which astounded biologists and baby doctors everywhere!” ( Not only were the Jews not murdered, but they were given a choice. “For that we must go back to one Ilea Ehrenburg, chief Soviet propagandist during the Second World War who later died in Israel, who coined the mythic number on Dec. 22, 1944 – BEFORE tens of thousands of Jewish internees, given the choice of staying to be ‘liberated’ by the Communists or going with their German captors, did not hesitate to choose the latter option!” ( Thus proving that the Jewish population was not forced to concentration camps to be scalped and gassed.”

With enemies like that, can you see how ridiculous it looks when brothers fight over mindless and meaningless triviality? It makes us sound like a bunch of grade school kids boasting over whose family or brother or toy is bigger and better. My father Orji Nnaji always says that “a person who’s house is on fire cannot and should not be looking for rodents.” There’s still time to wake our people up from their slumber; give them back their identity and bring them back to the service of the Most High God that we may take back our inheritance. Here’s what The Most High, in the book of Jeremiah said about us:

Jer 33:25-26, “Thus saith the LORD; If my covenant be not with day and night, and if I have not appointed the ordinances of heaven and earth; 26 then will I cast away the seed of Jacob, and David my servant, so that I will Not take any of his seed to be RULERS over the seed of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob: for I will cause their captivity (SLAVERY) to return, (END) and have mercy on them.” What can be more emphatic than that? As long as you see Heaven and Earth, we will come back to our inheritance. OK maybe you don’t believe Jeremiah; how about Isaiah?

Isa 14:1-5, “For the LORD will have mercy on Jacob, and will yet choose Israel, and set them in their own land: and the strangers shall be joined with them, and they shall cleave to the house of Jacob. 

“And the people shall take them, and bring them to their place: and the house of Israel shall possess them in the land of the LORD for servants and handmaids: and they shall take them captives, whose captives they were; and they shall rule over their oppressors.

“And it shall come to pass in the day that the LORD shall give thee rest from thy sorrow, and from thy fear, and from the hard bondage (SLAVERY) wherein thou wast made to serve,

“That thou shalt take up this proverb against the king of Babylon, and say, How hath the oppressor ceased! the golden city ceased!

“The LORD hath broken the staff of the wicked, and the sceptre of the rulers.”

This is all OLD TESTAMENT! Not important anymore, one might say. OK, HOW ABOUT APOSTLE PAUL?  Some even think that he said that the Law of the Most High is done away with. Let’s see what he has to say:

Romans 11:11-21, “I say then, Have they (Israel) stumbled that they should fall? God forbid: but rather through their FALL salvation is come unto the Gentiles, for to provoke them to jealousy.


The economic impact of what our people are STILL going through in the hands of our oppressors and enemies can be seen around us. The illusion that the Nigeria has its independence is very laughable to a learned mind who understands how our so called leaders are complicit in the resource-grab and pillaging of their own people. Here’s an excerpt from a book I will recommend every Nigerian to read: Confession of an economic hit-man

“The real story of modern empire – of the corporatocracy that exploits desperate people and is executing history’s most brutal, selfish, and ultimately self-destructive resource-grab – has little to do with what was exposed in the newspapers that morning and has everything to do with us. And that, of course, explains why we have such difficulty listening to the real story. We prefer to believe the myth that thousands of years of human social evolution has finally perfected the ideal economic system, rather than to face the fact that we have merely been bought into a false concept and accepted it as gospel. We have convinced ourselves that all economic growth benefits humankind, and that the greater the growth, the more widespread the benefits. Finally, we have persuaded one another that the corollary to this concept is valid and morally just: that people who excel at stoking the fires of economic growth should be exalted and rewarded, while those born at the fringes are available for exploitation.

“How do you rise up against a system that appears to provide you with your home and car, food and clothes, electricity and health care – even when you know that the system also creates a world where twenty-four thousand people starve to death each day and millions more hate you, or at least hate the policies made by representatives you elected? How do you muster the courage to step out of line and challenge concepts you and your neighbors have always accepted as gospel, even when you suspect that the system is ready to self-destruct?”

•Apham Nnaji (shown in photo) writes from Lakeville, Minnesota, USA. He can be reached via


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Friday, September 20, 2024 1:28 AM

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