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The name Iduozee Sunny Aieyeki may not prick the ears. However, his movie productions will grab attention, making you to crave for him. He has five movies to his credit. He is on the sixth one. But, the Edo State man appears to have acquired as a producer, more knowledge about features that constitute block buster movies. This, he revealed recently to our Contributing Editor, IFECHI OKOH, in an in-depth interview with him in his posh Ogba, Lagos home. Savour!
May we know why you embraced movie productions instead of directing?
I have been in love quietly with movie productions over the years. My main aim is to use it to educate, inform and entertain the society, thereby making Nigeria my country a better place to live in. In course of this, I may have used the movie channel to attract attention to Nigeria as a potential country to invest in and make good money. I strongly believe that with this, I can better the lives of a good percentage of Nigerians. I must confess here that without the introduction of a friend of mine, this dream which will soon become a reality, would not have been possible. This actually started when I decided to give my dream a try which has finally turned me into a movie producer. I believe, by Gods grace, I will become one of Nigerias most solid producers. I know with hard work, dedication, capital and prayers, it shall come to pass with time. I feel pretty more comfortable to function as a producer than director because I know pretty well that directing is a process that is pretty meticulous in all senses. For now, I dont think that I am qualified to be a movie director. But with time, I must have brought out time and energy to under study this matter, thereby learning the necessary tricks to becoming one of the front liners. But for now, I am still a producer, nursing the ambition of becoming a director when the time is ripe. Itis like when I get to the bridge, I will cross it. Simple!
What were your experiences like during the production of your first three movies?
I must tell you here and now that God has been pretty good to me before then. During the shootings, I ensured that the capital, efforts and inevitable sacrifices were made to ensure that high standard and qualitative productions were achieved. My first movie production was a little bit tough for me because of my apparent lack of experience. But the second and third were not as challenging as the first. It was understandable and I thank God for His encouragement and support in all ramifications. I remember during my first shooting, I was pretty bothered if I was going to recover my money. It was actually a very central concern and challenge then. In addition to this, I experienced the troubles of the artiste on set. I mean some not being punctual on location, others shunned instruction, lack of cameras when needed, forced me to extend my shooting by extra two weeks.You know the kind of sudden hole such could dig in my pocket. Most of these problems reared their heads during my second and third shootings. However, I have been able to understand the industry better and, as a result, became more understanding and tolerant too of the cast and crew and other emergent problems. This, in effect, made us to understand ourselves, becoming more tolerant and working like one big family during my second and third shootings. It was quite a whole lot of stress during these periods. But thank God that money and time we spent were not in vain.
The last one you have just completed is your fifth effort. Can we have its title?
The problem for now is that we have a working title which is bound to change when we want to title the production. That is our style. This is subject to the fact that people steal titles. You understand? All I can tell you for now is that the plot is a fantastic one. It is about the family setting, meant to expose the many things that go on in a typical family setting. At the end of watching this movie, watchers are bound to learn much about the family system. For example, you will learn of certain things going on at home while you are away to work.
May we know the mistakes you may have experienced during your first and second productions which you did not allow to occur in this third production?
The first and second productions were where I made the mistakes that botched my plans for the full day. For the fact that I have been in the game of movie production, I have been able to manage the actors and actresses, directors, locations. I now know how to pay actors/actresses unlike during my first and second productions when I paid about 90 per cent of our agreed professional fee. With this, most of them held me to ransom, coming to locations whenit suits them. I have since learnt how to control them through my payment, making them to put in their best, while also being punctual. This time, you really have to work for your money and I must be convinced to believe it before I pay you. It is no longer like before. Now, I am happy that I have the economic power and I am using it to my advantage as the producer that I am supposed to be.
Can we know the features that stand out your productions?
I am a conscious spender when it comes to movie productions because I have taste and I love to be refreshingly different too. So anything I spent to achieve this does not matter to me. You will see it in this production bound to change the face of movie production in Nigeria. This movie is the one I really spent good money packaging it.
Can we have the lists of top stars who starred in this production?
No! It is not my style for security reasons. When it is finally out, lovers of good movie who will buy the work will know and can even spread the news thereafter.
How were you able to deal initially with the fact that you are going into the competitive concern where some celebrated producers who have made names were still in the game?
If you dont have the connection and money, that is when you getintimidated. For your information, I have good and right connections in Nollywood. So any top actor or actress I want to get, I can get, including top directors, camera men and locations too are not excluded. So how can I be intimidated with all these at my beck and call? I am just here to stay. At the end of the day, I know with my well produced movies, and by Gods grace, I am destined for the top and I will remain there because I will do all humanly and professionally possible to ensure this.
What have been some of the benefits of being a producer?
There are not enormous, no doubt. Some of them, I am already experiencing, including knowing and frolicking with top actors or actresses, directors, moving round Nigeria during productions and knowing some very powerful Nigerians in course of shooting. I mean inside and outside Nigeria.
What has been the magic controlling some difficult top actors and actresses?
My brother, I must confess that it has not been easy from my first production till date. But with the assistance of my directors who have always helped me to put them in check, I have been able to handle them effectively through my personal and psychological approach.
What have been your reservations about Nigerian movie productions?
First and foremost is the issue of going nude. It has never been and will not be made to be part of the African culture. It is distasteful and alien to our culture. Movies are supposed to be make-believe. So for a woman to go nude in movies, is no longer make-believe. It is like shooting somebody dead on set. That is why professionals frown at it in any movie. That is the make-believe philosophy. Anything that tends towards reality is no longer a movie meant to teach, inform or entertain. At this stage, the producer, director, actor or actress involved becomes liable to the real death as recorded in any movie. It is supposed to look-like real but not real. Thats the essence of make-believe.
What is your definition of love?
To me, it is still the popular definition of beauty being in the eyes of the beholder. The way I perceive love is not and can never be the way you do. Some love for beauty, while others love for character. But to me the beauty of a woman is in her character.
Who is your role model as a producer?
He is Pastor Kenneth Nnebue. The reason being that he is the first to pick up the courage to start what is today known as Nollywood. He did this successfully when he shot that legendary movie, Living in bondage which brought about Nollywood and her stars. I want to emulate him, by creating something out of nothing as a producer.
Can we have a peep at your background?
I am from Edo State. I have a first degree from University of Benin (UNIBEN) back in the days.